Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Puffle, Dance and Friendship Parties - My Adventures XD

Hey Penguins!

Today I was on server Zipline and it logged me in at the Town Centre. XD Being there I noticed Gabreille9045's igloo was open for a PUFFLE PARTY! XD So of course I shot off to my iggy to hide! (lol XD) get my orange puffle Zero and take him to the party! XD

This is what the party room looked like: XD

Getting there there was only one person there at the party and that was Floridabunny. XD Together we danced with our puffles! XD

I had so much FUN with her that I added her this is what her player card looks like:

Sadly Floridabunny had to leave and for a while it was just me and Zero. XS But then Rpcsoftware joined with her PURPLE puffle and we ha a great time! XD

Then Irish Red joined us even though he didn't have a puffle... XD. That's okay Irish Red you can join anyways. XD

Lol I LOVE Rpcsoftware's lively dancing puffle. XD Then the owner of the igloo and party Gabriel9045 came and joined us to see how the party was going and seeing if we were having a good time... XD

Then Gabriel9045 left to do more advertising and and Tornadok2003 joined us! XD

This time EVERYONE stays and Gabriel must be doing EVERY well with that advertising because penguins are simply POURING in! XD Zaz806 and Inspector P3 join our merry through. XD But what's this? XS Irish Red looks all set to leave... XS

XD... False alarm Irish Red clicked the wrong button - silly Irish Red! XD Zaz806 leaves... XS BUT Olivia5152 joins the fun! XD Oh dear... what's up Tornadok2003? XS

Lol... XD. Irish Red cheers up Tornadok2003 with quite a rude and silly fart! XD Silly Irish Red! XD Also MORE penguins come this couple of penguins are called Hannah58521 and Lilaimztwili... XD

Hurrah! XD Zaz806 HAS RETURNED with his orange puffle and he and Zero make a very GOOD friendship. XD Also three MORE penguins have come to celebrate puffles Snugs3655, Diamond5493 and Sandmaj! XD

Me and Zero decide to let other penguins into the room and we head to the Nightclub, where nearly every penguin is brown! XD

But sadly when me and Zero (not Zero - he stays orange! XD) turn brown and join in, penguins start to leave and the lighting goes back to normal. XS

After that short lived party we decide to go and play some Thin Ice to earn some coins. XD

Yay I get double coins! XD

After this Zero and I decide to go to the Iceberg to see if there's anything going on there... XD 

Getting there I add Lucasaurus... XD You'd make a GREAT Underwater parking attendant in Underwater Adventure... XD

Please accept my request! XD

Unfortunately Lucasaurus never accepted my request. XS Though no hard feelings Lucasaurus I'm sure this is because you have LOTS of friends and your buddy list is to FULL! XD However there were some cool looking penguins I saw at the 'berg like Tara503... XD

Not forgetting Ces56789... XD

And what about Rosie2610? XD

And last but not least, Jamya5 in her gorgeous pink wet suit and goggles. XD

BUT then sadly it lost connection - AGAIN! XS Club Penguin I thought you'd fixed this bug? XS

Club Penguin get rid of you bugs! XS My adventure ends today because of Club Penguin's bug! XS

Giamz XD

1 comment:

  1. Great work!
    I'm sure you'll be good at my blog. This post is really awesome with good grammar!
    P.S.: Remember not to use many "XD" and "XS"! It is good to use it once or twice, but in your posts you're exaggerating to much! Here you used 49 XDs and 11 XSs. I hope you get what I mean!
