Friday, 25 March 2011

New Club Penguin Pins!

Hi Penguins!

Couple days ago Club Penguin released some new PINS. XD Since so much has been happening resent
events have been missed by me. (Sorry Guys! XS) Here they are:


Recycling Centre + Mine Shack


Book Room

There you go! XD

Giamz XD

April Fools Party 2011

Hello penguins! BIG Update, as you can see! No time to waste! First the party cheats:

Non-Member free item: PURPLE Propellor Cap! XD Throw paint at the canvas untill you fully uncover the picture. Then the item will come up!

Nice! XD

Then member items:

First member item is the Box Costume thing. Here's what it looks like:

This item is members only, and to get it you have to complete the scavenger hunt. Here's the walkthrough!

1. The first part is in the Box Dimension itself. It is a piece of card-board. XD

2. The second one is disguised very well as a rocky mountain and this is in the Desert Dimension. XD

3. Go to the Drawing Dimension for this one. Click the big, blue pencil at the bottom. It will lift up and draw your 3rd piece on the post-it note! Your penguin avatar is very funny for this one as well... XD

4. This one is the hardest. Go to the Box Dimension and enter the Space Dimension. After you are in, look atthe sky and connect the little, pink stars in the sky with your mouse to make a stapler. XD

5. Enter the A Silly Place room. When you enter it, get the item from the little, red cushion which is on the right side of the room. XD

6. Enter the Stairs Dimension. Opps, everything is upside down! XD It makes me dizzy. That was because this item is hidden really sneakly so I had to look for a long time. Lucky for you you don't! XD

7. Go to the Cream Soda Dimension room. Find the way throught all those soda barrels and get to the top. After that get on the pavement to open the cage and get the white tape. XD

8. Congrats the final one! The candy one. Click on the spoon’s handgrip which is above the “Candy” booth. After you click it, the spoon will disappear and then come back with another item you need. XD

Your scavanger hunt bar should look like this:

Members, claim your prize! XD Since that was so long, you DESERVE a reward. Go back to the Box Dimension and put on the Box Costume and nothing esle. Click on the note on the yellow and black bar. It will say BOXES ONLY. Go into the BIG BOX...

Here you are! Secret Member Room! XD

Get some free items while you are at it! Click the cabinet...

Awesome! I simply love this party! Note, when you are doing the scaenger hunt and stuff, ect, go on a server with one bar. Unless you wanna go slowly.... XD My fav items are the post outfit and cap!

Giamz XD

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

April Fools Party is Coming!

Hi Penguins!

The preporations for the Aprils Fools Party have begun! The rooms look like they are gonna be fantasicly silly! XD Here's some pics!





Looks like lots of construction is going on there! I wander what the new rooms will be like? XD

Also Club Penguin has added a new log in screen! Check it out! XD

He he I like this new log in screen even if it is just loading! It's so funny! So silly it starts in March! That is good for me because my membership runs out on the 1st of April! XD Thanks Club Penguin!

So penguins I think it's high time to get your green and prosably orange puffles out for this celebration! XD Which actually brings me to one final thing... the Newspaper!

As I only started blogging a few days ago I havn't done the newspaper - normally I will do all of it but for now I want to concenrate on the main aticle...

Hey don't you renogise that penguin? I reckon it's Rookie! XD Well Rookie, thanks!


Giamz XD

NOTE: The pics above are from other cheats sites as my PC don't have print screen and thats why they are different penguins! Thanks to those cheats sites for letting me borrow them! XD

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

New Game, New Launch

Club Penguin is in a bit of a crisis with all these bugs right now, but this just proves that they ARE being a bit lazy! New game called Bits and Bolts in the Dance Lounge was meant to come today but now because of them it isn't coming till next week! Here's a sneak peek of the new game:

Com'on Club Penguin hurry up!

Giamz XD

Monday, 21 March 2011

Club Penguin Face Paint Glitch!

CP glitch! (Does not surpise me) If you have the old red and blue face paint then it will go super small on your penguin! Heres some pics I found on other penguins! XD

The BLUE Face Paint:

And the RED Face Paint:

Thank you to penguins Double Mvp and Distrocktiv7 for using their penguin profiles! XD


Giamz XD

Hey Penguins!

My name is Giamz and I'm a new Club Penguin blogger on CP. This is my new blog! I love Club Penguin and I can't wait to started blogging about it! I'm sure we'll have a ball! I'm also making plans for a new lauch party on Club Penguin so keep you eyes peeled on the blog! XD But till then...


Giamz XD