Hey Penguins!
For many of you I owe a great apology. XS My laptop has been banned until the foreseeable future (it maybe getting unbanned today, but I cannot be certain), when the ban is lifted, I will continue to post again. XD The Field Op and Pin Tracker ARE out-of-date BUT the final change will be soon. XD Another thing: WE MAY BE LAUNCHING A NEW WEBSITE SOON! XD Maybe. XD I say sorry to Coolpiggy11 and Readred, my absence are because of these reasons. XS I'll try to be good from now on. LOL. XD.
Giamz XD
XD Welcome to Giamz CP XD
HEADLINES: Herbet Attacks EPF - CP Enhance Puffle Graphics - Music Jam Catalog - Sports Catalog
Friday, 8 July 2011
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
New Music Jam Video - Youtube! XD
Hey Penguins!
Happy77 updated their channel a few days ago with a NEW video. XD Look at this! XD
Happy77 updated their channel a few days ago with a NEW video. XD Look at this! XD
Wow! XD That looks soooo cool! XD Here are some sneaks I saw in the video! XD
More soon...
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Sneak Peek: What's New in June! XD
Hey Penguins!
There's a new message from Billybob! XD Look! XD
Hello Penguins!
The team is putting the finishing touches on some new stuff for June! Here's a sneak peek at some things they've been working on:

Plus here are some dates to remember:
So what are you most excited about this month? Can you guess what's in each of the pictures? Let us know in the comments!
Until then... Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
Awesome! XD I can't wait for the New igloo item catalog... XD
Giamz XD
There's a new message from Billybob! XD Look! XD
Hello Penguins!
The team is putting the finishing touches on some new stuff for June! Here's a sneak peek at some things they've been working on:

Plus here are some dates to remember:
- June 9: New igloo item catalog
- June 16: Music Jam = party time!
- June 23: New member ninja items at the Ninja Hideout
- and more...
So what are you most excited about this month? Can you guess what's in each of the pictures? Let us know in the comments!
Until then... Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
Awesome! XD I can't wait for the New igloo item catalog... XD
Giamz XD
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
Puffle, Dance and Friendship Parties - My Adventures XD
Hey Penguins!
Today I was on server Zipline and it logged me in at the Town Centre. XD Being there I noticed Gabreille9045's igloo was open for a PUFFLE PARTY! XD So of course I shot off to my iggy tohide! (lol XD) get my orange puffle Zero and take him to the party! XD
This is what the party room looked like: XD
Getting there there was only one person there at the party and that was Floridabunny. XD Together we danced with our puffles! XD
Today I was on server Zipline and it logged me in at the Town Centre. XD Being there I noticed Gabreille9045's igloo was open for a PUFFLE PARTY! XD So of course I shot off to my iggy to
This is what the party room looked like: XD
Getting there there was only one person there at the party and that was Floridabunny. XD Together we danced with our puffles! XD
I had so much FUN with her that I added her this is what her player card looks like:
Sadly Floridabunny had to leave and for a while it was just me and Zero. XS But then Rpcsoftware joined with her PURPLE puffle and we ha a great time! XD
Then Irish Red joined us even though he didn't have a puffle... XD. That's okay Irish Red you can join anyways. XD
Lol I LOVE Rpcsoftware's lively dancing puffle. XD Then the owner of the igloo and party Gabriel9045 came and joined us to see how the party was going and seeing if we were having a good time... XD
Then Gabriel9045 left to do more advertising and and Tornadok2003 joined us! XD
This time EVERYONE stays and Gabriel must be doing EVERY well with that advertising because penguins are simply POURING in! XD Zaz806 and Inspector P3 join our merry through. XD But what's this? XS Irish Red looks all set to leave... XS
XD... False alarm Irish Red clicked the wrong button - silly Irish Red! XD Zaz806 leaves... XS BUT Olivia5152 joins the fun! XD Oh dear... what's up Tornadok2003? XS
Lol... XD. Irish Red cheers up Tornadok2003 with quite a rude and silly fart! XD Silly Irish Red! XD Also MORE penguins come this couple of penguins are called Hannah58521 and Lilaimztwili... XD
Hurrah! XD Zaz806 HAS RETURNED with his orange puffle and he and Zero make a very GOOD friendship. XD Also three MORE penguins have come to celebrate puffles Snugs3655, Diamond5493 and Sandmaj! XD
Me and Zero decide to let other penguins into the room and we head to the Nightclub, where nearly every penguin is brown! XD
But sadly when me and Zero (not Zero - he stays orange! XD) turn brown and join in, penguins start to leave and the lighting goes back to normal. XS
After that short lived party we decide to go and play some Thin Ice to earn some coins. XD
Yay I get double coins! XD
After this Zero and I decide to go to the Iceberg to see if there's anything going on there... XD
Getting there I add Lucasaurus... XD You'd make a GREAT Underwater parking attendant in Underwater Adventure... XD
Please accept my request! XD
Unfortunately Lucasaurus never accepted my request. XS Though no hard feelings Lucasaurus I'm sure this is because you have LOTS of friends and your buddy list is to FULL! XD However there were some cool looking penguins I saw at the 'berg like Tara503... XD
Not forgetting Ces56789... XD
And what about Rosie2610? XD
And last but not least, Jamya5 in her gorgeous pink wet suit and goggles. XD
BUT then sadly it lost connection - AGAIN! XS Club Penguin I thought you'd fixed this bug? XS
Club Penguin get rid of you bugs! XS My adventure ends today because of Club Penguin's bug! XS
Giamz XD
Monday, 6 June 2011
Hey Penguins!
I was surfing Saraapril's site when I saw this! It's an Emerald Viking Helmet! XD So Cool! XD
I was surfing Saraapril's site when I saw this! It's an Emerald Viking Helmet! XD So Cool! XD
Cool isn't it? XD To get this, you have to meet the Club Penguin Staff at one of their parties and they will give you a code to get this item! XD Awesome! XD I hope I can get one! XD Good luck everyone! XD
Giamz XD
Sunday, 5 June 2011
Reviewed by You: Instruments
Hello Penguins!
It's time for another Reviewed by You! Last week, we asked secret agents to tell us about their favorite moment with a certain polar bear. Only secret agents were able to answer this one, as he's kind of top secret.
Agent CourtneyR182 had this to say:
Thanks to all the secret agents for their reviews last week. And keep up the great work over at the Everyday Phoning Facility!
Now on to this week's Reviewed by You. The new clothing catalog just got released at the Gift Shop, and you'll notice that there are a few musical instruments in there this time. So that got me thinking...What's your favorite musical instrument in the world, and what do you like best about it?
It's time for another Reviewed by You! Last week, we asked secret agents to tell us about their favorite moment with a certain polar bear. Only secret agents were able to answer this one, as he's kind of top secret.
Agent CourtneyR182 had this to say:
My favourite moment with Herbert was when the EPF was born. It is very more secret and more high tech than PSA. I was a part of both forces and enjoyed defeating and ruining Herbert P. Bear's plans and being with the EPF helps me realise that Club Penguin is amazing!
I Can't wait to see whats in store for the EPF in future. Waddle On CP!
Thanks to all the secret agents for their reviews last week. And keep up the great work over at the Everyday Phoning Facility!

Write your review as a short comment (50-75 words, please!) We'll pick one comment to feature in next week's Reviewed By You. If your review is featured next week, we'll add 10,000 coins to your account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add the coins!
Until then... Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
By Billybob
Friday, 3 June 2011
Music Jam Catalog 2011 Cheats XD
Hey Penguins!
Yesterday Club Penguin released a new catalog for the Music Jam 2011! XD Unfortunately there wasn't enough time to post last night so here are the cheats! XD

Yesterday Club Penguin released a new catalog for the Music Jam 2011! XD Unfortunately there wasn't enough time to post last night so here are the cheats! XD

Cool front cover! XD
There's four new hidden items and THREE of them are instruments! XD Wow! XD
First cheat: The Black Electric Guitar - 550 coins

Sweet! XD
Second cheat: The Shore Thing - 250 coins

Great! XD Now there's a hairdo for both penguins with brown hair and blonde hair! XD I wish Club penguin would do more black and ginger hair though... XS
Third cheat: Blue Double Necked Guitar - 600 coins

Cool! XD I like it! XD
Final cheat: Purple Electric Bass - 550 coins

Awesome! XD I love the Music Jam it's one of my favourite parties and I have heard some rumours that the Penguin Band will be there as well... XD
Giamz XD
Giamz CP going under changes XD
Hey Penguins!
We are working on making this site BIGGER and BETTER! XD If The site looks a bit messy that means we are working on it! XD New changes include:
We are working on making this site BIGGER and BETTER! XD If The site looks a bit messy that means we are working on it! XD New changes include:
- More easy access buttons XD
- More funny pictures XD
- New EPF Field Op Trackers XD
- A New Pin Tracker XD
- Better graphics XD
Thank you for being so patient while we under go these changes. XD This my take a day or at the most a week, but I will continue to post even under these conductances. XD
Giamz XD
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Update: Puffles, Herbet, Sports + Mail! XD
Hey Penguins!
A lot of BIG changes happened on Club Penguin last night. XD Well first, I logged into Club penguin finishing the Medieval Party still there. I started playing Thin Ice then finished, then the Dance Lounge was back to normal! XD I looked downstairs and it was still Medievalist. I played Thin Ice again, then everything on Club Penguin was back to it's usual! XD However the Medieval music and jokes ARE STILL HERE! XS
So Medieval Party gone: Herbert never attacked the EPF right? XD Few! LOL XD WRONG! XS HERBERT HAS ATTACKED THE EPF...

A lot of BIG changes happened on Club Penguin last night. XD Well first, I logged into Club penguin finishing the Medieval Party still there. I started playing Thin Ice then finished, then the Dance Lounge was back to normal! XD I looked downstairs and it was still Medievalist. I played Thin Ice again, then everything on Club Penguin was back to it's usual! XD However the Medieval music and jokes ARE STILL HERE! XS
So Medieval Party gone: Herbert never attacked the EPF right? XD Few! LOL XD WRONG! XS HERBERT HAS ATTACKED THE EPF...
Use the instructions on my Medieval Party Walkthrough to learn how to defeat these beats! XD Hint: I suggest doing it in low quality as it is faster! XD After you have defeated the dragons you will get an EPF Badge Pin:

Cool eh? XD I love it! XD You can also get one of the coloured hydras (it picks one randomly for you to pick up and put in your igloo! XD) Look! XD

After you have defeated the dragons you will also get THREE EPF MEDALS! XD (Note: This only happens the first time you defeat the hydras here XD)

Awesome! XD I like this because non-members get a chance to try and defeat the dragons because they couldn't in the Medieval Party! XD Even though it does mean that the EPF HQ gets kinda destroyed... XS
Hang on... what about the puffles? XD
Yes, there are puffle updates! XD The puffle look has been changed! XD Take a look! XD

I think that the puffles look miles better with this update - but if you take them for a walk or if they play with their toys then they go back to the old version... XS sighs ...
On the bright side there is also a new Snow and Sports catalog at the Stadium and it's REALLY COOL! XD

Unfortunately there is only one hidden item in this catalog which is the Yellow Soccer Jersey. XD Take a look! XD

FEW! After all that, I've nearly forgotten about PAY DAY! OMG! XD That's a first. XD Pay checks are for Tours guides...
(Credit to Trainman for the pic)
And... XD
(Credit to Trainman for the pic)
That's a lot to do! XD Time to have some summer fun! XD
Giamz XD
Monday, 30 May 2011
Possibly: New Herbert Stamp Coming Soon? XD
Hey Penguins!
Rumours are spreading on Club Penguin about a new Herbert stamp coming soon... XD. There are two possible stamps: An Extreme one and An Rare one.
Heres the rare one:

Rumours are spreading on Club Penguin about a new Herbert stamp coming soon... XD. There are two possible stamps: An Extreme one and An Rare one.
Heres the rare one:

Here is the extreme one:

This is what it will look like in your stamp book. XD Credit to Riffy CP for the picture. XD
Cool eh? XD I can't wait! XD
Giamz XD
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
New Series 8 Puffle Plush Exclusive XD
Hey Penguins!
I was surfing the net for penguin toys and look what I've come across! XD

I was surfing the net for penguin toys and look what I've come across! XD

Credit to Monchocho for the picture
Have you noticed there isn't a purple puffle? XS My friend Mediamo will be so sad XS - she adores purple puffles! XD It looks like they've replaced the purple puffle with the brown puffle? XS That is not good! XS
Giamz XD
Pin Tracker and Field Op Tracker are under construction XD
Hey Penguins!
Construction and changes are being made to the Pin Tracker and the Field Op Tracker I'm sorry for any incontinence. There, meanwhile, are excellent trackers at these excellent sites:
Monchocho's CP Blog
Saraapril in Club Penguin
Giamz XD
Construction and changes are being made to the Pin Tracker and the Field Op Tracker I'm sorry for any incontinence. There, meanwhile, are excellent trackers at these excellent sites:
Monchocho's CP Blog
Saraapril in Club Penguin
Giamz XD
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Hey Penguins!
If you met Rookie at this year's April Fools Party and got his background then lately you have probably noticed that his back ground has been GONE for a while! XS But today is joyous because it is back! XD

If you met Rookie at this year's April Fools Party and got his background then lately you have probably noticed that his back ground has been GONE for a while! XS But today is joyous because it is back! XD
Giamz XD
Monday, 23 May 2011
New Green Puffle Wallpaper! XD
Hey Penguins!
There is a new puffle wallpaper on the Club Penguin Community! Here is a picture of it:

Looks cool right? XD I am still waiting for the Orange Puffle one though... but I know I must be patient LOL. XD
Giamz XD
There is a new puffle wallpaper on the Club Penguin Community! Here is a picture of it:

Looks cool right? XD I am still waiting for the Orange Puffle one though... but I know I must be patient LOL. XD
Giamz XD
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